In 2015, Midvale Primary School began its journey into Positive Behaviour Support or PBS. PBS is a school wide framework aimed at improving the academic and behavioural outcomes of all students. Our goal is to create a safe, positive learning environment where students are engaged and successful.
Our staff and students have worked together to develop a PBS Matrix that clearly explains what each of these expectations mean in different areas of the school grounds. Teachers then use the PBS Matrix and PBS Term Schedule to teach these concepts to the students. The positive language used in the matrix is embedded into our school culture through teaching and learning programs, morning messages, assemblies and visuals displayed throughout the school.
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STAR Rewards
Students are awarded STAR points for showing the virtues of our STAR program. i.e. working well in class - an Achiever point, looking after a hurt friend - Thoughtful point, Applying sun screen - Safe point, being honest - Respect point...
As students reach milestones through the year they are given rewards;
200 STAR points - Extra Sport session
350 STAR points - STAR Student wristband
500 STAR points - Canteen lunch with the principal
As students reach milestones through the year they are given rewards;
200 STAR points - Extra Sport session
350 STAR points - STAR Student wristband
500 STAR points - Canteen lunch with the principal