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School Hours and Attendance

School Hours

Monday to Friday

8:25am - Gates Open

8:30am - Doors Open

8:40am - School Commences

11:00am - Lunch

11:30am - Class Resumes

1:30pm - Recess

1:50pm - Class Resumes

2:40pm - School Dismissal​


For dates, rotations and events, please click here for the current Kindy term planner.

School Gates

Our gates open at 8:25am and again at 2:30pm. Midvale Primary School is not responsible for your child until the gates open. Students are expected to wait quietly for the gates to open. Once they do, they are to line up in their designated learning areas. This helps maintain order and prepares students for a smooth start to the school day.


Attendance at school is mandatory for all children once they turn five years old, as required by law. Parents or caregivers are responsible for providing an explanation for any absences, either by note, phone call, email, ClassDojo message or through the school’s SMS service. The school tracks both absences and lateness, and will reach out to parents if frequent issues arise.​

Leaving Early

​Leaving school early during the day is not encouraged, as it disrupts a child’s learning and routine. In case of a medical need or emergency where early departure is necessary, parents must first sign in at Administration before collecting their child. A “Registered Out of Class” slip will be issued during the process.

Family Holidays

We understand the importance of staying connected with family, though Family holidays during school terms are not recommended, as they interrupt your child’s learning and social development. School holiday periods offer plenty of time for families to enjoy holidays without affecting school attendance. Please note, teachers are not obligated to provide additional schoolwork during these periods.

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